Some Issues for the Assessment of Tax Fairness and Tax System Efficiency


  • Arpine Yeganyan ԵՊՀ Իջևանի մասնաճյուղ



tax system, tax policy, economic efficiency, tax burden, tax privilege, tax proportionality, social justice


This article analyzes the relationship between justice and economic and tax efficiency. The method of scientific analysis of theoretical material, taking into account topical issues of social justice and economic and, in particular, tax efficiency, analyzes the hypothesis that a fair tax system contributes to economic efficiency. Taxes are one of the ways to redistribute income. However, every re-distribution faces a problem of justice and efficiency. Justice is the basic principle of social relations. Inefficiency is not a direct result of a lack of resources. Any inequality of opportunity leads to inefficiency; on the contrary, equality contributes to economic efficiency. Resolving the contradictions of justice, that is, meeting the needs of the individual, protecting interests, and meeting the interests of everyone, that is, efficiency, achieving balance, can generally reduce the severity of many conflicts in modern society. Using the method of scientific analysis of theoretical material, the hypothesis that a fair tax system is economically effective is researched.

Author Biography

Arpine Yeganyan, ԵՊՀ Իջևանի մասնաճյուղ

Lecturer at the Chair of General Economics of Ijevan Branch of YSU


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Andrew G. Berg and Jonathan D. Ostry, Inequality and Unsustainable Growth: Two Sides of the Same Coin? IMF Staff Discussion Note, April 8, 2011 SDN/11/08, 8-16

Վ. Բ Բոստանջյան, Բյուջետային ծախսերի արդյունավետության բարձրացման հիմնախնդիրները և դրանց լուծման ուղիները ՀՀ-ում, ԵՊՀ, 2017, 293



How to Cite

Yeganyan, A. (2022). Some Issues for the Assessment of Tax Fairness and Tax System Efficiency. Bulletin of Yerevan University G: Economics, 13(1 (37), 46–52.


