Myth in the Modern Political System of Armenia


  • Movses Demirchyan Yerevan State University


political myth, mass consciousness, crowd, archetype, viewer, social reality


The article analyzes the nature and features of the formation of political myths, as well as the most common political myths in the political system of Armenia. It is argued that every myth has a semantic center, the role of which in most cases is played by archetypes. The main plot of the myth unfolds around the semantic center. History and politics are the areas where most myths are created. Political myths in the mass consciousness do not reflect real political processes, but their distortions, original interpretations. They are widely used due to modern communication technologies and mass media. It is argued, that in addition to the negative impact on public consciousness, the myth can also have a positive effect, which is expressed in the mobilization of society, without which it is sometimes impossible to imagine overcoming the crisis in the political system, expressing the interests and goals of society or affirming democratic principles. In the article, some examples of political myths in the political system of Armenia are discussed: by the myths about a young state and a transitional period the authorities of the country have for a long time motivated the impossibility of solving basic social problems, corruption, weak democratization of social relations, etc. The myths about guaranteed security and sustainability of social life in the mass consciousness reflected the idea of a supposedly productive domestic and foreign policy. One of the most resistant political myths is the myth of the legitimacy of the chosen power in which the legality and legitimacy of power are presented as implying each other phenomena, although legally elected power may not be legitimate, and illegitimate power
may act completely legally. Simultaneously, with the process of a mythologization of politics, the process of demythologization in society is also taking place, which is most productive in the development of analytical and critical thinking, as well as on the condition that political relations are public, not backstage.

Author Biography

Movses Demirchyan, Yerevan State University

PhD, Associate Professor of the Chair of History, Theory and Logic of Philosophy of YSU. Address: 0025, Yerevan, 1 Alex Manoogian, Email:




How to Cite

Demirchyan, Movses. 2020. “Myth in the Modern Political System of Armenia”. Bulletin of Yerevan University D: International Relations and Political Sciences 11 (2 (32):51-59.



Political science