Working in the Sphere of Food Trade and Service in Armenia: Patterns of Precariousness


  • Srbuhi Michikyan SOCIES Expert Centre



precariousness, precarious patterns, food trade, food service sector


The food trade and service sector is considered to be the most uncertain, with a strong expression of instability both worldwide and in Armenia. Currently, the term precariousness is widely used in the field to describe the uncertainty and risks in the field. Research on food trade and services in Armenia has been conducted recently, but there have been no sociological studies on patterns of precariousness in the field. The study of patterns of precariousness provides an in-depth look at sectoral uncertainty and risk in relation to broader social structures. The purpose of this article is to study the patterns of precariousness expressed in the field through secondary analysis, which will provide opportunities for deeper analysis in the future, emphasizing the expressions of social injustice and inequality.

Author Biography

Srbuhi Michikyan, SOCIES Expert Centre

Project Coordinator


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How to Cite

Michikyan, S. (2021). Working in the Sphere of Food Trade and Service in Armenia: Patterns of Precariousness. Journal of Sociology: Bulletin of Yerevan University, 12(2 (34), 76–87.



Economic sociology