Sociological basis of daily history. theoretical and methodological observations




historical theory, sociology theory, interdisciplinary approach, social history, history of everyday life, anthropological turn



The history of everyday life is one of the popular and constantly evolving directions of historical research. Its emergence is due to approaches that have abandoned historical research to positive traditions and valued the human-centred value of the historical paradigm.

In Armenian historiography, the history of everyday life is a relatively new field of study, the theoretical and methodological problems of which are not sufficiently clarified. In the article these problems are discussed from the point of view of interdisciplinary approach. The author tries to substantiate the thesis that knowledge of the history of everyday life should begin with the study of  theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem of everyday life, presented in sociological theories. Briefly describing those sociological theories that directly or indirectly address the problem of everyday life, the author considers them in a certain sequence recognized in the theoretical discussions of the topic. Such an approach could help Armenian historians of everyday life to form a clearer representation of the phenomenon of everyday life.

Author Biography

Gagik Zhamharyan, Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia

Candidate of Historical Sciences, researcher of the Institute of History of NAS RA


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