Self-exclusion as a Security Strategy of Small States




small state, global powers, foreign policy, security policy, neutrality, non-alignment, non-bloc status, strategic autonomy


This article analyzes the strategy of self-exclusion in the foreign policy of small states, considering their goals and expected results of this strategy, that is, the main conditions for its implementation, the main determinants, and also identifies and characterizes its varieties and practical manifestations. In this context, global transformations also cause changes related to the positions and roles of small states in world politics and international relations. At the same time, global transformations change the understanding of the security of small states, which in turn leads to an increase in the number of studies in this area. Together, these factors become the rationale for the relevance of studying the security problems of small states in modern conditions. In conclusion, the results of the analysis are summarized, the features of the strategy of self-exclusion, common features and differences in its varieties are shown.

Author Biography

Narek Galstyan, Yerevan State University

PhD in Political Science, Associate Professor of the Chair of Political Science of the Faculty of International Relations at Yerevan State University


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How to Cite

Galstyan, N. (2024). Self-exclusion as a Security Strategy of Small States. Journal of Political Science: Bulletin of Yerevan University, 3(1(7), 37–55.



Comparative politics