The Image of the US Army in American movies: The Soft Power of American Cinema




US Army, image of the army, attributes of the US Army, values, film industry, characters, mise en scène, montage techniques, enemy


The formation of the army's image has acquired newfound significance in our time. Paradoxically, alongside the spread of humanist ideology, the number of violent conflicts worldwide is increasing. These stimulates the need for propaganda aimed at shaping the image of the army and enhancing the attractiveness of service. As one of the world's largest military forces, the US army has engaged in a diverse array of conflicts with over 750 military bases in approximately 80 countries (Kohli 2020). A diverse range of tools is employed to shape the image of the US army, including media, recruitment campaigns, social media, public events, etc. Among these tools, movies have their specific role. While traditionally intended for entertainment, movies have been used for over a century as a means to shape public opinion. This article delves into the main attributes of the US Army as a social institution, analyzing its four fundamental characteristics: the Militia Tradition, Mobilization Miracles, Man-Mindedness, Maritime Influence, the weapon and the enemy as distinctive attributes. Additionally, it features the seven core values of the US Army: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. The article provides a detailed analysis of how various components of movie production tools communicate the attributes and core values of the US Army and contribute to shaping its image, examining a high-viewership movie “Interceptor” (2022). The goal of the study was to find out the image of the US Army that “Interceptor” projects and to identify the verbal and visual communicative means it uses for this purpose. The content analysis made it possible to distinguish verbal and visual elements of the movie, encompassing human voice, mise-en-scène, as well as film editing techniques, to identify and highlight the messages and ideas conveyed about the attributes of the US Army. 

Author Biographies

Yuliana Melkumyan, Yerevan State University

PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor of Chair of Social Work and Social Technologies of the Faculty of Sociology at Yerevan State University

Nvard Melkonyan, Yerevan State University

  PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor of the Chair of Social Work and Social Technologies of the Faculty of Sociology at Yerevan State University  

Sofi Javadyan, Yerevan State University

Master's degree in Public Relations


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How to Cite

Melkumyan, Y., Melkonyan, N., & Javadyan, S. (2024). The Image of the US Army in American movies: The Soft Power of American Cinema. Journal of Political Science: Bulletin of Yerevan University, 3(1(7), 56–69.



American Politics