Խաղաղապահ գործունեությունը Հայաստանի Հանրապետության ազգային անվտանգության համակարգում


  • Գագիկ Հովհաննիսյան


national security, peace, international security, peacekeeping operations, peacekeeping capabilities, traditional threats, challenges, concept of cooperative security, Realism, Liberalism, UN, CSTO, NATO


This article examines the issues related to the
Armenia’s participation in international peace operations. In particular, Armenia’s engagement in international peace operations is derived from Armenia’s national security
interests, as well as is in line with her international commitments and the concept of
cooperative security. Besides, it is aimed at raising her international reputation and level
of involvement of the country in global processes, as well as developing her own peacekeeping capabilities. In the mean time, Armenia with its’ peacekeeping experience and
capabilities could also contribute in the development of the CSTO peacekeeping capabilities. A comprehensive study of the subject brings to the conclusion that the perception of Armenia’s security concept is being transformed, as a result of which Armenia is
capable not only to provide her own security, but also as a security contributing state to
participate in the international collective efforts aimed at strengthening international
peace and security





How to Cite

Հովհաննիսյան Գագիկ. 2014. “Խաղաղապահ գործունեությունը Հայաստանի Հանրապետության ազգային անվտանգության համակարգում”. Բանբեր Երևանի համալսարանի. Միջազգային հարաբերություններ, Քաղաքագիտություն 5 (1 (13):3-12. https://pub.ysu.am/index.php/bulletin-ysu-int-rel-pol/article/view/366.


