Об интеграционных процессах в СНГ (ԱՊՀ երկրների ինտեգրացիոն գործընթացների շուրջ)


  • Գայանե Սոլախյան

Ключевые слова:

Commonwealth, integration processes, the economic sphere, the political sphere, geopolitical interests


Disintegration of the USSR in 1991, represented himself not only as the end of an era, but also provided impetus for the new created subjects of international
law to reunite on a new level and to create a new geopolitical formation in Eurasian area. However, despite a great number of objective and subjective factors, which dic-tated the necessity of integration, post-Soviet countries came face to face with a powerful counterweight of disintegration factors, largely hindering the development of integration processes within the Commonwealth, which united post-Soviet countries (except the Baltic).
Ever since the Commonwealth did not provide full cooperation, the necessity of deeper and multilateral integration arose, which led to a considerable activation of integration processes in the region. Actually, still on the first stage, since the moment of formation of the CIS, integration processes of independent countries on international basis were interfaced with deeper problems, contradictions and difficulties in the economic, military, political and other spheres.




Как цитировать

Սոլախյան Գայանե. 2014. «Об интеграционных процессах в СНГ (ԱՊՀ երկրների ինտեգրացիոն գործընթացների շուրջ)». Вестник Ереванского Университета: Международные отношения, Политология 5 (2 (14):24-29. https://pub.ysu.am/index.php/bulletin-ysu-int-rel-pol/article/view/375.


