Քաղաքացիական մշակույթ հասկացության սահմանման շուրջ


  • Կնյազ Սարոյան

Ключевые слова:

Political Culture, Civic Culture, Democratization, Political Institutions, Political Participation, Civic Activeness


 In the article, the reference is made to the concepts, political culture, and civic culture. Through the comparative analysis of different authors’ approaches, the article attempts to demonstrate the existing differences in the meanings of the two concepts: political culture and civic culture. Consequently, the article brings forward the thesis according to which political culture, as a relatively stable system of this or that society’s ideas and perceptions on political life, is constantly present in the evolutionary process of that particular society. And this is true notwithstanding the type of regime that rules in that particular society. In case of civic culture the thesis, emphasized in the article, deals with a specific type of regime: a democratic model. To put it otherwise, this is the case, when the representatives of a society do not only possess perceptions on type of political system as well as on their place and role in that system, but on the basis of those perceptions they also possess efficient and effective mechanisms necessary for civic participation. 




Как цитировать

Սարոյան Կնյազ. 2015. «Քաղաքացիական մշակույթ հասկացության սահմանման շուրջ». Вестник Ереванского Университета: Международные отношения, Политология 6 (2 (17):49-59. https://pub.ysu.am/index.php/bulletin-ysu-int-rel-pol/article/view/434.


