The Mythical Origins of Landscape in the Poetry of Hamo Sahyan


  • Nvard Vardanyan Yerevan State University



Hamo Sahyan, landscape, Syunik, myth, sign system, myth-making image of the world, mountain, tree, wheat.


The article examines the mythical origins of landscape in the poetry of Amo Saghyan.  In particular, the manifestations of the spiritualization of nature, mythological allegory, identification and fusion of man and nature, arising from the spiritualistic worldview, are considered. Mythological stories heard from grandfather in childhood, intertwined with impressions received from the magnificent Syunik landscape, subsequently determine the expressions of the Sakhyan landscape, rich in fabulous allegories. The landscape is intertwined with myth, becomes a means of mythological creative depiction of the world and reveals a new charge of original mental images in the perception of the 20th century naturalist writer. The axis mundi, the mountain, the tree of life, the tonir on the mountain, the wheat guy, the dragon gorge -  absorbing the sun, and other mythological ideas take on a new life and form of expression under the pen of a writer who deeply studies nature. It is on this basis that a unique system of symbols of the native nature of Saghyan is subsequently formed, which goes beyond the borders of Syunik, completing the mythological and creative picture of the homeland.

Author Biography

Nvard Vardanyan, Yerevan State University

Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor at YSU Chair of Armenian Literature, Senior Researcher at the Department of the Folklore of Institute of Archeology and Ethnography NAS RA


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How to Cite

Vardanyan, N. (2024). The Mythical Origins of Landscape in the Poetry of Hamo Sahyan. Bulletin of Yerevan University B: Philology, 15(2 (44), 32–44.


