Banber Erevani hamalsarani. Ŗus banasirut'yun.
E - ISSN | : | 2738-2583 |
P - ISSN | : | 1829-4537 |
The structure of the article in English
(Times New Roman, 12, uppercase, bold, centered)
(Times New Roman, 12, uppercase, bold, centered)
Abstract: (Times New Roman, 10, justified, line spacing – 1).
Keywords: (Times New Roman, 10, justified, line spacing – 1).
(Times New Roman, 12, uppercase, bold, centered)
NAME SURNAME in Russian transliteration
(Times New Roman, 12, uppercase, bold, centered)
Abstract: (Times New Roman, 10, justified, line spacing – 1).
Keywords: (Times New Roman, 10, justified, line spacing – 1).
Text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text.
(12 point size, justified alignment, without hyphenation, line spacing - 1.5).
(Times New Roman, 10, justified, line spacing - 1).
(Times New Roman, 10, justified, line spacing - 1).
(Sylfaen, 12, uppercase, bold, centered)
NAME SURNAME in Armenian
(Sylfaen, 12, uppercase, bold, centered)
Abstract: (Sylfaen, 10, justified, line spacing – 1).
Keywords: (Sylfaen, 10, justified, line spacing – 1).
Information about the author in Russian;
Information about the author in English;
Information about the author in Armenian.
The title of the article should clearly reflect the essence of the problems discussed in the article.
The title should not exceed 10–12 words, should be informative and concise, correspond to the scientific style of the text, be easily understood by readers and perceived by search engines.
If the article title has a subtitle, a colon (:) should be used to separate the subtitle from the main body of the title.
Avoid "vague" headings like "About one feature ...", " On some types ...", etc.
The inclusion of supporting or additional information, usually given in brackets, in the title of the article should be avoided. For example: “… (based on the works of Pushkin)”. Such information can be presented in the abstract and in the introductory part of the article.
Author. The full name and surname of the author is indicated. If the article is written in co-authorship, then the order of the names of the authors should correspond to their contribution to the research process.
The abstract should be a coherent text of 180-250 words, allowing to get an adequate idea of the study, as well as the essence of the article itself. Abstract is provided in three languages: Russian, English and Armenian.
The text of the abstract should:
- reveal the main goal and specific tasks of the work,
- reflect in general terms the structure of the article,
- present its main conclusions.
It is important to indicate what new information the article introduces into scientific circulation.
The abstract should be extremely informative and should not include quotations, bibliographic references, abbreviations and well-known provisions.
The title of the article should not be duplicated in the abstract.
The Russian-language abstract must be presented in competent Russian.
Key words (5-10 words and phrases) are also provided in three languages: Russian, English and Armenian.
The number of words within a phrase is no more than three;
The composition of keywords in Russian, Armenian and English languages must completely match in number and meaning.
The editorial board of the journal undertakes the translation into Armenian of abstracts and keywords for articles by foreign authors.
Article text
The article should be clearly structured and divided into titled semantic parts (sections and subsections) and should include:
- introductory part (statement of the problem, a brief review of the scientific literature on the topic, definition of the purpose of the work);
- the main part, which presents the theoretical basis, material and methodology of the study, analysis and generalization of the results of the study with linguistic and literary illustrations, as well as (if necessary) tables, diagrams, etc.;
- the final part with a summary and conclusions.
The introduction sets out the general theme of the study, the purpose and objectives of the planned work, theoretical and/or practical significance, lists the most famous and authoritative publications on the topic under study, and identifies unresolved problems. Usually, this section contains a rationale for the need and relevance of the study. The information in the Introduction should be organized according to the principle “from general to particular”.
The introduction usually consists of four subsections:
- a description of the problem with which the study is related;
- review of sources and literature related to the study;
- identification of "white spots" of the problem under study;
- formulation of the purpose and objectives of the study.
The structure of the main part may vary depending on the type of work.
It is strongly recommended to highlight subsections, the names of which the author chooses independently, depending on the content of the article.
Language examples and literary quotations are in italics. To highlight the lexical meaning, as well as to translate a word or phrase, single quotes ‘…’ are used. The names of the concepts are presented in capital letters: the concept LIGHT.
Notes are made in the form of automatic page footnotes with continuous numbering.
In the text of the article, the number of the footnote at the end of the sentence is placed before the dot.
The bibliographic part of the article consists of two sections: "Sources" and "References".
In each of the sections, the list of references is given in alphabetical order in the following sequence:
- texts in European languages;
- texts in Russian;
- texts in Armenian.
Next see:
This part includes literary works, encyclopedias, reference books, archival materials, historical sources.
In works that do not involve the use of these materials, this section can be omitted.
Literary works must be submitted according to authoritative publications.
Preference should be given to "paper" editions, and Internet sites can only be used if the printed version is not available in the given region.
The list of scientific literature is drawn up in accordance with the British version of the Harvard Referencing Style.
The list of references includes only researches in different languages. It must contain at least 8 sources, including works published in the last ten years.
The list includes only those works for which there are in-text references.
References to own publications should be no more than 1/3 of the list of references.
The list is given in alphabetical order and consists of three conditional blocks:
- researches in European languages;
- researches in Russian;
- researches in Armenian.
Each of the blocks is given in alphabetical order of the given language (Latin, Russian, Armenian).
The article ends with information about the author in English, Russian, and Armenian.
The following information about the author(s) is provided here:
- Last name, first name of the author (in full)
- Academic degree
- Academic title
- Position held
- Place of work
- City
- A country
- E-mail address
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.