The Rhythm of Prose Axel Bakunts’s


  • Ashkhen Jrbashyan Yerevan State University



prose rhythm, meter, ornamental prose, lyricism, artistic image, internal rhythm, composition, fragmentary plot, parallelism


The article attempts to analyze the elements of rhythm in the prose of Aksel Bakunts, to show that rhythm dissolves in all elements of a prose work - in the nature of plot, compositional structure, dialogues, in the parallelism of artistic images. At the same time, Bakunts' prose is considered in the context of the so-called "ornamental" prose in Russian literature of the early 20th century, as an Armenian response to the artistic changes of that time, as a kind of convergence of the principles of prose and verse. All this significantly expanded the possibilities of artistic expression in Armenian literature and opened a new path for the further development of Armenian prose.

Author Biography

Ashkhen Jrbashyan, Yerevan State University

Candidate in Philology, Associate Professor at YSU Chair of History of Modern Armenian Literature and Literary Criticism


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How to Cite

Jrbashyan, A. (2023). The Rhythm of Prose Axel Bakunts’s. Bulletin of Yerevan University B: Philology, 14(1 (40), 48–56.



Literary Criticism