Crossing Cultural Boundaries: The First Translation of Crime and Punishment in Italy


  • Iris Uccello University of Verona



Dostoevsky, indirect translation, Crime and Punishment, literary reception


Indirect translation, criticized for impurity, played a pivotal role in introducing Russian literature to fin-de-siècle Italy. Initial Italian translations of Russian classics stemmed from French translations, with France serving as a key hub for Russian literary reception in Europe. This article delves into the first Italian translation of "Crime and Punishment" to explore the nuances of this process. It examines the trade-offs—what was lost in translation—and highlights how the mediation through French translation paradoxically aided the reception of Dostoevsky in late 19th-century Italy.

Author Biography

Iris Uccello, University of Verona

PhD in Russian Literature from the University of Verona, Italy. Her research interests include F. M. Dostoevsky’s works, microhistory, late imperial Russian cultural history, pre-revolutionary women's prose and Russian realism. She has completed internships at the Hermitage and the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) in 2018 and 2020, respectively. She holds a diploma with honors in Russian Literature from Saint Petersburg State University. She has contributed scholarly articles on Dostoevsky and the role of microhistory in reshaping grand narratives and published in journals such as eSamizdat, Tomsk State University Journal, and Dostoevsky Studies.


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How to Cite

Uccello, I. (2024). Crossing Cultural Boundaries: The First Translation of Crime and Punishment in Italy. Translation Studies: Theory and Practice, 4(1), 74–83.