Translating Terminology of Media Texts Dealing with Art and Culture (in German-Russian Texts)


  • Albina Boyarkina Saint Petersburg State University



translation, media texts, texts related to culture and art, specific terminology, musicological terminology


This article discusses the problems of translating Russian-German  media texts related to culture and art. In the descriptions of artistic works and their impact, we find a large amount of emotional-expressive vocabulary, adjectives, extended metaphors and comparisons, and on the level of syntax-a large number of parallelisms or emotional reversals, which cause certain difficulties in the process of translation. However, sometimes translating special terminology is no less difficult, specially when terms are new and do not have established equivalents recognized by the scholarly community or even when, rarely though, terms are used with ironic nuances. In this case translators resort to transliteration or borrowing. However, the use of calques in the translation of new terminology leads to violations of the norms of the target language and inaccuracies in the transfer of meaning.Professional jargon acquires additional contextual meaning, which is not always detected and appropriately rendered by the translator. Translation of texts containing terms in culture and art  requires consult with a specialist in the field, who will be able to interpret the terminological meaning of the lexical unit and help translate it accurately.

Author Biography

Albina Boyarkina, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of German Philology


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How to Cite

Boyarkina, A. (2021). Translating Terminology of Media Texts Dealing with Art and Culture (in German-Russian Texts). Translation Studies: Theory and Practice, 1(1 (1), 5–9.


