Translation Properties of Vulgar and Invective Vocabulary in Political Media Discourse


  • Gayane Gasparyan Yerevan Brusov State University
  • Meri Ishkhanyan Brusov State University



political media discourse, vulgar and invective vocabulary, cultural code, pragmatic adaptation


The present research is an attempt to specify vulgar and invective vocabulary in modern political media discourse and to determine their translation properties (from English into Russian and Armenian, from Russian into English and Armenian, from Armenian into English and Russian) within the frames of pragmatic and socio-cultural discourse analyses. The article aims at indicating the language code differences in terms of cultures. Such analysis fosters also the determination of ways and methods of transmitting discrepancies between positive and negative connotations of various language units and to create the balance of emphatic equivalence when translating from source languages (SLs) into target languages (TLs). Invectives contain universal cultural values, they indicate aggression, anger, hostility and indignity. To translate invective proverbs, aphorisms, jargon, obscenities, the translator uses various transformations to pragmatically adapt them for the target cultural environment, since the source culture cognitive principles do not always coincide with those of the target culture.

Author Biographies

Gayane Gasparyan, Yerevan Brusov State University

D.Sc.,  Full  Professor  at  the  Department  of  English  Communication  and  Translation, acting  dean  of  the  Faculty  of  Intercultural  Communication  and  Political  Science  and member of the Board of Trustees at Brusov State University, Armenia; at Brusov State University,  Armenia;  vice-president  of  AASE  (member  of  the  Association  of  the European  Society  for  the  Study  of  English,  Armenian  Branch);  member  of  the Advisory  Board  of  the  International  Scientific  Journal “Translation  Studies: Theory and Practice.”

Meri Ishkhanyan, Brusov State University

PhD student at Brusov State University; trilingual translator (Rus-Eng-Arm). Her research interests include congnitive linguistics, pragmatics, comparative typology, cultural linguistics, translation studies and intercultural communication.


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How to Cite

Gasparyan, G., & Ishkhanyan, M. (2024). Translation Properties of Vulgar and Invective Vocabulary in Political Media Discourse. Translation Studies: Theory and Practice, 4(1), 35–46.